Support for Sébastien Touzé’s candidacy for the United Nations Committee against Torture

The René Cassin Foundation, as an organisation whose essence is to promote human rights at national, regional and global levels, has always been fundamentally committed to the integrity and development of the missions of the United Nations treaty bodies, ensuring good synergy in the defence of human rights. It works regularly with these organisations and their members, with the aim of spreading the message of universal values and fundamental freedoms as widely as possible.

The Committee against Torture, which is responsible for monitoring the application of the International Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, is no exception.

Our Director, Sébastien Touzé, Professor of Public Law at the University of Paris Panthéon-Assas, was elected as a member of the Board before taking over as Vice-Chair (2019-2023). Within the Committee, he has worked tirelessly to strengthen the CAT’s work and vigorously support any initiative leading to universal ratification of the Convention against Torture. Its work has also made it possible to develop coordination with regional human rights protection mechanisms and the processing of individual communications, as well as to strengthen collaboration with the other treaty bodies.

In the context of the elections and renewal of the membership of the Committee against Torture, which will take place on 19 October 2023 in Geneva, France is once again putting forward the candidature of Mr Sébastien Touzé. The René Cassin Foundation would therefore like to express its unwavering support to Professor Touzé, whose exceptional experience will enable him to provide invaluable expertise on the crucial issues raised by the Convention against Torture.

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