As of January 2022, QUALIOPI will be the only certification that allows organizations that provide training, skills assessment, V.A.E. or apprenticeship programs to obtain public and/or mutualized funding.

Since June 2022, the René Cassin Foundation has held this quality label following an audit conducted by APAVE, an approved organization.

Thus, several training courses in France are now accessible to financing provided by OPCOs, the State, the Regions, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Pôle emploi and Agefiph.

Please refer to the presentation of each course for details.

The René Cassin Foundation – International Institute for Human Rights, as a recognized training organization, is also able to offer customized training for your teams.

  • Mastery of the fundamental knowledge located in our field of intervention
  • Refresher skills workshops
  • Other action customized to your needs

Professional training for employees of the association Horizon Amitié on the theme “Right of asylum” on October 17 and 18, 2022.