Continuing professional development for lawyers: “New reforms in asylum and immigration law” – in person or by videoconference

Continuing professional development for lawyers on “New reforms in asylum and immigration law”. IN PERSON OR BY VIDEOCONFERENCE (LIVE OR REPLAY)

Training takes place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024

From 9:00 to 10:30 and from 11:00 to 12:30, with in-person coffee break

3 hours of validated continuing professional education

Training will also take place via videoconferencing on the ZOOM platform. The courses will be accessible via Live or Replay, with unlimited viewing time. Speakers:


Thibaut Fleury-Graff is Professor of International Public Law at the Université Versailles St-Quentin (Paris-Saclay), specializing in borders, migration, asylum and human rights. He is also Director of the Graduate School Droit and co-Director of the Master 2 International and European Fundamental Rights Law at this University. Thibaut Fleury-Graff also works as a consultant for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR – Asylum and Migration) and the Council of Europe (Articulation of national systems with international and European human rights law).

Alexis MARIE

Professor of public law at Bordeaux University and assessor appointed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to the National Asylum Court, Alexis Marie specializes in international public law and asylum law.

Alexis MARIE and Thibaut FLEURY-GRAFF co-authored the Handbook “Droit de l’asile” (PUF 2019), and are co-sponsors, with Professor Julian FERNANDEZ, of the project “RefWar – Protection en France des exilés de guerre”, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR, 2019-2023).

Registration and payment deadline: October 1, 2024 – midnight French time (GMT+1) For face-to-face training:Full price:€250Reducedprice:175 € for lawyers with less than two years’ seniority (proof of seniority may be requested) For videoconference training:Full rate: 200€Reducedrate: 140 for lawyers with less than two years’ seniority (proof of seniority may be requested):140 € for lawyers with less than two years’ seniority (proof of seniority may be requested) This professional training may be covered by the FIFPL. The René Cassin Foundation is a training organization registered under the number 44670634667 with the prefect of the Grand Est region, and is a QALIOPI training organization under the number 44670634667. Training objectives Level 2. Advanced

At the end of this training course, lawyers will have updated their knowledge of the changes made to asylum and aliens law by the Law of January 26, 2024 to control immigration, improve integration and the Regulation on the management of asylum and migration within the European Union of April 10, 2024.

The focus will be on the direct consequences of these reforms on asylum litigation: new border procedures, territorialization of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons and the National Court of Asylum, single-judge panels, new time limits, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact Elsa Zimmer, Program Manager at the René Cassin Foundation: